Dhi doc manager

It is a very efficient document manager that allows signing documents through online platforms with 100 % legal value. Paper=0. This is the goal that many enterprises are trying to archive at the moment; it can be reached thanks to DHI solutions. The ANN: Arquitectura Neuro Nodal (Neuro Nodal Architecture) allows searching with immediate response…

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Our web system 2.0 of electronic commerce is a flexible system based and built for the free code system, a “hand-key” project for our clients. In addition to the system itself, our services can include training about the use of the system, advanced training, assistance, and technical service when needed. What is more important is…

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Electronic Notification Services

When can we use this service? Until now we have been using registered letters and burofaxes, when we need to send a communication with probative validity. That means, when we do not want the existence to a communication between two parts to be denied. For none of both parts, neither the issuer nor the receiver.…

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Electronic Notification Services

When can we use this service? Until now we have been using registered letters and burofaxes, when we need to send a communication with probative validity. That means, when we do not want the existence to a communication between two parts to be denied. For none of both parts, neither the issuer nor the receiver.…

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ASF biometrics

It is a solution for the authenticating and identification of the users, based in TOKENS of the voice, biometrics of the voice and digital signing/time stamping. It is used to facilitate from the initial register, to the validation of operations, economic transactions, signing of electronic contracts… Characteristics The mobile phone as an instrument to make…

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